Saturday, January 3, 2015

Mobius Strips

I designed a print in Mathematica of two Mobius strips orthogonal to each other at every point. This comes up in the study of stable and unstable manifolds of periodic orbits for ordinary differential equations -- if one of the manifolds is non-orientable, then the other one must also be non-orientable. I have made this shape out of paper, but it is surprisingly difficult. You cannot just make two Mobius strips out of straight pieces and expect them to mesh together nicely. At any rate, here it is.

Mathematica Version

 Printed version

Technical instructions:
1. Designed the two Mobius strips in Mathematica. The PlotStyle->Thickness[.2] and mesh->False commands seems to do a nice job of making the shape "manifold." (Note to mathematicians, manifold in the 3D printer world seems to be an adjective rather than a noun.)
2. Imported them both into Tinkercad, using the second one as a "hole" meaning that it did a set minus of one from the first.
3. Imported the set-minused version and separately the second Mobius strip into Makerware. I added a base made from a "Helper disk" in Thingiverse. The base is needed to make the shape stick to the build plate. Without a fairly large flat part the shape will not print. The Makerware raft does not seem to do the trick.

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